Discover all the modalities we have for you!





300 Kcal

Class dedicated to teaching the use of the Kettlebell, a training tool used since Ancient Greece, which is very versatile, practical and minimalist, providing great benefits such as strength gain, muscular and cardiovascular endurance, fat loss, mobility, physical resilience and mental and athleticism.

ABS Express



100 Kcal

Training focused on exercises for toning and strengthening the entire abdominal area.

Extreme Training



 400 Kcal

A high-intensity training method that uses functional movements to strengthen the entire body. It combines bodyweight exercises, strength training and cardiovascular exercises. WOD's (Workout Of the Day) will undoubtedly be a challenge to overcome.





560 Kcal

BODYPUMP is an original weight training class that strengthens and tones the entire body. This workout works all the major muscle groups through movements like squats, presses, lifts and curls. Great music, sensational instructors and your own choice of loads inspire you to achieve the results you're looking for – really fast!




600 Kcal

Música, instrutores sensacionais e a sua própria escolha de pesos inspiram-no a alcançar os resultados que procura de forma muito rápida.




540 Kcal

Using a height-adjustable step and coordinated movements over and around the step, you will be motivated by inspiring music and excellent instructors. Cardio blocks increase energy expenditure, followed by muscle training tracks that tone and shape your body.

360 core



 400 Kcal

360 CORE is a class focused on the strength of the center of our body, called "CORE". A strong core provides an improvement in performance both in sports and in everyday tasks.

Using accessories such as resistant bands, weights and your own body weight, this class will take you out of your comfort zone. Dare!




250 Kcal

Suspension training class with functional exercises, using only body weight and a TRX. This class is accessible to anyone with different levels of training within it. It has the benefits of improving balance, posture and strengthening and stabilization of the spine.




540 Kcal

Consiste numa variedade de movimentos simples, muitas vezes rítmicos, podendo ser realizadoscom ou sem o uso de equipamentos.
São destinadas para aumentar a força, tónus muscular, resistência cardiovascular e flexibilidade.




350 Kcal

Taekwondo is an exercise, an art of self-defense, an Olympic sport, but above all it is an educational method based on 5 Principles: Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-control and Indomitable Spirit.




500 Kcal

O Zumba é uma modalidade de dança fitness criada nos anos 90, tendo por base a música latina e comtemplando vários estilos de dança. As coreografias combinam exercícios aeróbios com exercícios de resistência, utilizando o peso do corpo. Além do gasto calórico porporcionado por cada aula, a diversão também é um elemento presente em todas as aulas.




350 Kcal

A 3B (Bum Bum Brasil) é uma aula exclusivamente dedicada ao trabalho de glúteos, coxas e abdominais ao som de musicas brasileiras, e tem a duração de 45 minutos. É uma atividade divertida e exigente, mas de fácil acompanhamento 




400 Kcal

O Krav Maga é uma arte eminentemente prática que, através do trabalho corporal, atinge a mente, o intelecto e a espiritualidade. Uma das metas principais é a conquista da autoconfiança. É também uma aula onde se aprende a arte de defesa pessoal. Defesa pessoal como a maneira de se defender de um ataque é não dar o devido valor ao seu significado. Aprende-se defesa pessoal, primeiro porque qualquer ser vivo precisa saber se defender de uma agressão física e, em segundo lugar, pela consciência dos benefícios que este saber traz.






450 Kcal

Class held on a highly effective indoor bike to improve cardiovascular function in a fun and challenging workout. Let yourself be carried away by the highly motivating songs and pedal towards the goal. It mainly works on muscular resistance at the level of the lower limbs.




450 Kcal

RPM is an indoor cycle program that will provide you with an excellent training experience. Designed in a controlled and balanced way, emphasizing ideal body alignment, it is the ideal complement to a stressful day at work.






250 Kcal

Created by Joseph Pilates, it is a method of exercise that consists of low-impact flexibility, balance, strength, breathing, and resistance movements. Emphasizes the use of the abdominal muscles, back, hips and thighs.

Suitable for rehabilitation and postural learning.

Power Yoga I



200 Kcal

It is an advanced version of Hatha Yoga, where students can begin to develop the most basic postures and work on the various breathing and meditation techniques that are required in this modality. Ideal for those who want to start the practice of Yoga.

Power Yoga II



280 Kcal

This is a more advanced version of beginner POWER Yoga, with a more vigorous pace than other traditional yoga styles, using challenging postures, intense breathing and active meditation to achieve numerous physical and mental benefits such as balance, flexibility, strength, endurance. , relaxation, among others, thus eliminating stress and anxiety.

Aerial Yoga



280 Kcal

Balance, strength, concentration and inner peace. Have you ever thought about having the sensation of floating? For this is the proposal of aerial yoga! The new practice, which combines traditional yoga techniques with the ability to perform playful and challenging acrobatics.